Every story has its defining moments. Every lecture has its key points. Every research paper, autobiography, or informative writing has its own unique flow. Like water, every writing in existence can either be smooth and gentle or rapid and rough. It all depends on where the rocks lie. Each edit is like subtly moving the rocks that disrupt the flow of a lively river. Only then can it flow smoothly without losing depth or power. Some rocks seem necessary but bury the keys. Some seem beautiful but within are rotting scenes. As a reader, one must ask, what stones can I stand on and walk, and what stones are in the way? Can I see past these boulders blocking the view or are they too distracting? Will I get to see the true beauty of this work or will it be too much? 

     Sometimes less is more. To dig deeper we must take small decisive bites. Consistent emphasis and strategic pauses are the keys to effective exposure. The only way our readers will see the true beauty of the work is if they have an opportunity to see it. What we say and how we say it matters. What we write and how we write it matters. Our readers are watching us as we speak, they're living in the worlds we create. Do we want that world to be littered with cracks and wrinkles that don't make sense or do we want that world to connect and shift the atmosphere our readers are living in? As an author, there is power in the pen we hold. Our job is to help you turn your draft into a masterpiece.